Pathways to Equity

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​Through the generous support of the Rockefeller Foundation, The Leadership Conference Education Fund awarded a seed grant to The Transportation Learning Center for the research, writing and production of this report. Description of two Career Pathways programs - the Los Angeles Metro Project Labor Agreement in construction and Philadelphia’s Summer Youth program and Career Conference are at the core of this examination of partnerships that lead to career Pathways in transportation.


​America faces a profound mismatch between the needs of urban communities for quality jobs and careers and the parallel needs of industries (especially urban industries) for qualified applicants for frontline workforce technical jobs. Many industries chronically complain of a shortage of qualified applicants – especially young applicants – for technical blue-collar jobs, even as the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation is opening up millions of vacancies in those very jobs. Conversely, people of color concentrated in inner cities have much higher rates of unemployment and poverty than the country as a whole, while inner-city high school dropout rates exceed 30, 40 and even 50 percent.


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