Career Pathways


Career Pathways Roundtable Conference Presentations

An Up-To-Date Analysis of Future Workforce Needs in Transit

Working with Jobs for the Future, the Department of Transportation, and the Office of Career, Technical & Adult Education, the Transportation Learning Center has created an in-depth presentation of future workforce needs in the transit industry.

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EPI Presentation on the Transit Jobs and the Relationship between Infrastructure Investment and Jobs

​These Economic Policy Institute slides that accompany the September 17 conference presentation highlight infrastructure investment impact on Hispanic and African-American jobs and the wage distribution of a range of transit jobs.

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WOW Examples of Career Pathways

​Materials provided by Wider Opportunities for Women focuses on gender issues related to Career Pathways.

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Career Pathways Definition of a Model

These slides, part of Jobs for the Future’s presentation on the 17th, include the Administration’s definition of Career Pathways, as well as a visual of a comprehensive Career Pathways system developed for the project on Advancing Career and Technical Education in Career Pathways Systems.

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