Skills Booster Events

Boost your training and skills and knowledge of innovative ways transit organizations can meet their learners’ needs. The Transportation Learning Center presents these free webinar series on ways to successfully incorporate digital and other resources so transit trainers can expand learning and engage their learners.


Integrating eLearning in transit frontline learning.

Tags: instructor led trainingfilmoraelearningdistance learningdigital learning

Guest speaker, Ron Thiele, Xpan Interactive, presented on ways in which some transit organizations use eLearning in effective and innovative

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Creating and editing instructional videos to engage learners

Tags: on the job learninginstructor led trainingfilmoraelearningdistance learningdigital learning

Beyond the traditional classroom environment, one way transit trainers can enhance delivery is through video instruction. This event will demonstrate Filmora™, an affordable and easy-to-use platform that helps you create video instruction modules. We will demo importing and editing your existing video, adding special effects and transitions, and sharing your final production with your learners via the cloud, mobile, or standalone devices.

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Preparing for and Capturing Video Footage for Instructional Video

Tags: videoskill boostersinstructional videofootage

Digital and video instruction are two ways in which transit agencies can enhance their current training methods for their frontline employees. In a previous skill booster event, we showcased video editing software Filmora. But before you can edit video, you need to capture it. As Center videography expert and the presenter of this session Kenyon Corbett says “There is no replacement for good audio and video.”

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