
Entries tagged with: apprenticeship

On-The-Job Learning Task Book for Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship

Tags: taskbookbus maintenance apprenticeshipbus maintenanceapprenticeship

The Transportation Learning Center continues its efforts to assist agencies advance apprenticeship in Bus Maintenance and other frontline transit occupations. Now that the bus maintenance apprenticeship committee has established a comprehensive framework that identifies essential jobs that an apprentice should be able to perform as a result of their training, the Center has developed a convenient Task Book that allows mentors and apprentices to track competency. Like the Framework, the Task Book contains individual job tasks in each of the 10 job functions (e.g., Electrical & Electronic, Steering & Suspension, etc.). Once the mentor and apprentice both agree that the apprentice is competent in a specific task (e.g., can test, adjust or replace a voltage regulator), each signs-off on that task.

Like the Apprenticeship Framework, the Task Book is aligned with the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) task list and APTA training standards. Under the Contract/Agreement established by each agency’s Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC), however, each agency is free to add, delete or modify tasks to suit their unique operating conditions and bus equipment. The Task Book serves as a useful checklist to make certain that mentors have provided adequate on the job learning (OJL) for each job task, and apprentices can demonstrate they are capable of performing those tasks safely and effectively on their own. The use and preservation of the Job Book are the responsibility of both parties.

Contact the Center’s John Schiavone at

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National Guidelines for Apprenticeship Standards for Bus Maintenance Technician

Tags: guidelinesapprenticeship

​These National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC) Apprenticeship Standards have as their objective the training of Bus Maintenance Technicians skilled in all phases of bus maintenance. The NJATC and its affiliated Local Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committees recognizes that in order to accomplish this, there must be well-developed on-the-job learning combined with related instruction. This recognition has resulted in the development of these Apprenticeship Standards.

Developed by the Transportation Learning Center and National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC) in cooperation with the

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship

Approved and certified by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship on 8/25/2010

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Elevator and Escalator Maintenance Training Guidelines Standards

Tags: guidelinesaptaapprenticeship

​As of 2007, 25 states have adopted formal elevator and escalator maintenance licensing requirements. The transit agency response correspondingly reflects this regulatory environment, as each agency attempts to develop training specific to their regulating authority. The result is largely an unfunded mandate with which no single transit company can afford to comply. This brief description of the dilemma faced by the industry illustrates the urgent need for national guidelines and related training programs.

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National Apprenticeship Guidelines for Transit Elevator-Escalator Maintenance Technician

Tags: transittechnicianstandardsmaintenanceescalatorelevatorapprenticeship

The purpose of these National Guidelines for Apprenticeship Standards (National Guideline Standards) is to provide policy and guidance to local Sponsors in developing these Standards for Apprenticeship for local approval and registration.

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Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Framework

Tags: standardsframeworkbus maintenance apprenticeshipbus maintenanceapprenticeship

The Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Framework was developed by the National Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Committee and approved by the U.S. DOL. It is a competency based framework that includes all of the tasks an apprentice should be able to demonstrate as a result of the training. Tasks are based on the ASE task list and APTA training standards. It is only a guide, locations can add or remove tasks to suit their individual operations. Note the various tabs at the bottom.

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Transit Coach Operator Competency-based Framework

Tags: work process scheduletransit coach operatorstandardsregistered apprenticeshipbus operatorapprenticeship

Full Competency-based Occupational Framework for Registered Apprenticeship for Transit Coach Operator/Bus Operators

Note: the O*NET Code has been updated to 53-3052.00.

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