On-The-Job Learning Task Book for Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship
Tags: taskbook, bus maintenance apprenticeship, bus maintenance, apprenticeship
The Transportation Learning Center continues its efforts to assist agencies advance apprenticeship in Bus Maintenance and other frontline transit occupations. Now that the bus maintenance apprenticeship committee has established a comprehensive framework that identifies essential jobs that an apprentice should be able to perform as a result of their training, the Center has developed a convenient Task Book that allows mentors and apprentices to track competency. Like the Framework, the Task Book contains individual job tasks in each of the 10 job functions (e.g., Electrical & Electronic, Steering & Suspension, etc.). Once the mentor and apprentice both agree that the apprentice is competent in a specific task (e.g., can test, adjust or replace a voltage regulator), each signs-off on that task.
Like the Apprenticeship Framework, the Task Book is aligned with the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) task list and APTA training standards. Under the Contract/Agreement established by each agency’s Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC), however, each agency is free to add, delete or modify tasks to suit their unique operating conditions and bus equipment. The Task Book serves as a useful checklist to make certain that mentors have provided adequate on the job learning (OJL) for each job task, and apprentices can demonstrate they are capable of performing those tasks safely and effectively on their own. The use and preservation of the Job Book are the responsibility of both parties.
Contact the Center’s John Schiavone at